
YASAKA Silver Carbon

-22% YASAKA Silver Carbon
Переглядів: 7838 Модель: Blades_Yasaka_Silver_Carbon
Наявність: Out Of Stock
1,920.00грн. 1,499.00грн.
Кількість: До кошика

Many carbon blades are very fast, and sometimes difficult to handle. In the new Yasaka SILVER CARBON we use 2 thin carbon layers and glue them to the wooden veneers with a gluing method developed to keep the control characteristics.

The hard outer veneers in combination with the carbon layers make the size of the sweet spot (hitting area with maximum control) very large. With the SILVER CARBON technical players have a weapon useful for both own attacking play and fast, controlled, counter blockings.

The SILVER CARBON is the blade for those who want only the best in technology and materials.

Weight: around 90 grams

Made in Sweden.

Speed: 19
Control: 15

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