

Переглядів: 5648 Модель: Blades_Xiom_Acro
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика
All-round blade of natural vibration and clear sound.
Enhanced speed for power all-round players of new era.

ACRO is an all-round blade of enhanced speed. Based on traditional all-round construction, the center layer is divided to two layers, and overall thickness is enlarged to 5.8 mm. The result is very unique 6-ply construction of ACRO. It is faster than traditional 5-ply all-round blades, but it’s still soft and mild. Also the sound of impact is very high and clear. Further, natural vibration which is preferred by many European players, is alive. The increase of speed can easily compensate for the loss of speed due to VOC glue ban. Though the speed level is “ALL+” class, ACRO can provide very high power if it is combined with new “Hyper Elasto” rubbers such as VEGA PRO. ACRO can be very good solution for European style players who want to raise their speed of game. Type: ALL+ Weight: 83g


NOVUS TOURWOOD is a family of all wood blades of balanced performance and soft feel. All blades in this family provide relatively softer feel and all-round characteristics. Their clear but stable feel is preferred by many top players whose main strategy is continuous spin. The light blue color of handle is the symbol of security and creativity.

Xiom Acro blade chart

Xiom Acro blade chart

Xiom Acro blade chart

Xiom Acro blade chart

Xiom Acro blade chart

Xiom Acro blade chart

Xiom Acro blade chart

Xiom Acro blade chart
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