
STIGA Allround Classic WRB

STIGA Allround Classic WRB
Переглядів: 6236 Модель: AllroundClassicWRB
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика
The Allround Classic is the first blade manufactured by STIGA. Since its introduction in 1967, it has been used by many world champions. For over 35 years, and still today, the Allround Classic blade is one of the best selling blades. In total, over one million have been sold, making the Allround Classic blade, we believe the most sold blade in the world.

A perfect balance between speed, weight and feel lies behind Allround Classic’s enormous popularity among competitive players, who choose the best.

Probably the World’s best selling competition blade. A legend among table tennis blades.

Made in Sweden.

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