
LKT 9010 Carbon

LKT 9010 Carbon
Переглядів: 6359 Модель: Blades_LKT_9010
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика
The combination of carbon veneer and special production process creates a very high elasticity blade that offers super power of high speed and quick attack. This is the blade all offensive players desire.

The 9010 Transformer Carbon Blades are the same fine construction as the 729 "Sweet Spot" carbon blades with the added transformer feature. As with all 729 carbon blades, they are some of the best you will ever use. A total of 7-ply construction: 5-ply wood, 2-ply CARBON FIBER. The craftsmanship of this blade is second to none. The blade adjusts from OFF+ to OFF- with excellent feel, touch and control.

Speed: 10
Control: 9+
Ply: 7 (2 Carbon and 5 wood)
Weight: 85g ±2

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