
KOKUTAKU Blutenkirsche 868 Factory Tuned – Table Tennis Rubber

KOKUTAKU Blutenkirsche 868 Factory Tuned – Table Tennis Rubber
Переглядів: 5940 Модель: KOKUTAKU Blutenkirsche 868 Factory Tuned
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика

Get to know the real style and playing dynamics of the rubber KOKUTAKU Blutenkirsche 868 Factory Tuned, which is built on the basis of a special energy sponge.

The sponge of the rubber during manufacture process undergoes a special process of treatment, which “charges” the sponge, doing it more powerful and with great control.

As a result the rubber KOKUTAKU Blutenkirsche 868 Factory Tuned has perfect properties for attacking play. Besides, in KOKUTAKU Blutenkirsche 868 Factory Tuned  there is a natural rubber, which substantially increases its durability.

Speed: 11
Spin: 12
Control: 11

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