
JUIC Air Texa Table Tennis Blade

JUIC Air Texa Table Tennis Blade
Переглядів: 4779 Модель: Blades_Juic_AirTexa
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика
Balsa and Texalium, a unique combination! Great for the topspin player who plays at the middle range and likes a fast blade. Thick center layer of balsa combined with two layers texalium and two layers Japanese Abachi wood. The Juic Air Series blades have a thick 7mm balsa layer, producing lightness, speed, and power, as if they are speed-glued even without the speed glue.

  • Plies: 3 Wood, 2 Texalium
  • Thickness: 10mm
  • Size of the blade: 155mm horizontal x 155mm vertical
  • Category: Off+
  • Weight: 85g ± 5
  • Відгуки для даного товару відсутні

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