
Juic Air Carbon C8 Carbon Table Tennis Blade

-25% Juic Air Carbon C8 Carbon Table Tennis Blade
Переглядів: 4948 Модель: Blades_Juic_Korble_AirC8
Наявність: Out Of Stock
2,520.00грн. 1,900.01грн.
Кількість: До кошика
An attacking blade that offers a relatively soft and controlled feeling even at high speed.

This blade featuring a balsa core and two layers of carbon. You will love it for a 'super soft' feeling at high speed.

  • Thickness: 8mm
  • Size of the blade: 155mm horizontal x 152mm vertical
  • Category: Off
  • Weight: 80g ± 5
  • про
    5 ( 5 / 5 )
    Very fast, but excellent control and great feeling. I played with it for many years and still love it. I wish they continue making it again. Don't know of any other equivalent new model from JUIC or other manufacturing.

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