
JUIC Air Large Table Tennis Blade

JUIC Air Large Table Tennis Blade
Переглядів: 6068 Модель: Blades_Juic_Air_Large
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика

It is an OFF+ rated blade, weighing around 75g, and consisting of a thick center layer of balsa combined with two layers of carbon fibre and two layers of Japanese Abachi wood. JUIC Air Large has exceptionally soft feel due to the thick and soft inner balsa layer.

At the same time it is a fast carbon balsa blade, which gives it a very soft feel of the balsa, but the carbon layers enlarges the sweet spot and gives it a crisper feel on harder hits. Balsa wood makes a blade light, with a soft and slow feel on soft shots (excellent for touch shots!) but fast and powerful when you start hitting harder.


  • Plies: 3 Wood, 2 Carbon
  • Thickness: 10mm
  • Size of the blade: 155mm horizontal x 160mm vertical
  • Category: Off+
  • Weight: 75g ± 2
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