
JUIC 999 Elite Nano Table Tennis Rubber

-25% JUIC 999 Elite Nano Table Tennis Rubber
Переглядів: 5079 Модель: Rubbers_Juic_Elite_Nano
Наявність: Out Of Stock
1,120.00грн. 840.00грн.
Кількість: До кошика
With the newest Japanese nano-technology and with the process of fusion-pulverization-reunion of nano level, NanoCannon is produced.

With nano-unification, the sponge and topsheet are far more elastic and flexible than regular rubbers, providing greater rotation and stability, while the ball hit by this rubber draws a sharp arch in the air with superb speed.

The first Nano-tech rubber, "Couga", had a great impact on the table tennis world. The inheritor of Nano technology, 999 Elite Nano, carries the power of Couga and the explosive spin force of 999 Elite! The combination creates a fantastic new dimension to the table tennis world! Try Juic 999 Elite Nano, the next generation!

Made in Japan.

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