
GLOBE JinXuanFeng II Japan Sponge

GLOBE JinXuanFeng II Japan Sponge
Переглядів: 4775 Модель: Rubber_Globe_GoldWhirlwind2_JS
Наявність: In Stock
Кількість: До кошика

The Gold WhirlWind sponge rubber is a recent weapon deigned for professional athletes. International advanced technology and materials have been adopted.

The features of high internal energy sponge are uniform foaming, fine density, withy hole-wall and permanent and stable performance. The high-quality sponge together with gold WhirlWind rubber could be provided with strong explosive force, fast speed, high elasticity, enough spinning and propulsion strength and good performance in lifting and dropping.

The Gold WhirlWind sponge rubber is propitious to speed-attaching and looping.

Made in China.

Speed: 8
Spin: 10
Control: 9

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