
GLOBE Awala Japan Sponge Table Tennis Rubber

GLOBE Awala Japan Sponge Table Tennis Rubber
Переглядів: 4785 Модель: Rubber_Globe_Awala
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика
From Awala: "Awala superior friction new pimples-in rubber which is newly developed with high friction and high elasticity. Attack with perfect speed and spin. Great and perfect feel, suitable for Euro-Comprehensive type.

Awala rubber with top sponge adopts latest energy bonding technlogy can fully reflect the power of serve and increase the confidence of victory for players."

Speed: 11
Spin: 9
Control: 10

This is the latest rubber from Globe. It's a tacky rubber with quite a low throw, making it most suitable for blocking, hitting and counter hitting/looping. Rubbers is quite insensitive to spin for a tacky rubber, and would be suitable for a more defensive and control style game too.

Made in China.

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