
GLOBE 999 (national version) Table Tennis Rubber

-43% GLOBE 999 (national version) Table Tennis Rubber
Переглядів: 8913 Модель: Rubber_Globe_999NV
Наявність: In Stock
694.80грн. 399.00грн.
Кількість: До кошика

This is a special version of Globe 999 rubber designed for Chinese National players.

RED Globe 999 National version rubber (orange sponge) is used by Ma lin.

BLACK Globe 999 National version rubber (blue sponge) is used by Kong Linghui.

This version is not normally for sale to the public, and certainly not sold outside China.

Note that these rubbers don’t come in the normal package, but only in a plastic sleeve. This is normal for this rubber. The black rubber has a dark blue sponge, and the red an orange sponge. Both have the stamp on the back of the rubber as shown in the picture. All sponges are 2.2mm thick, and the hardness is marked 38 Degrees

Made in China.

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