
GLOBE 889 OX (short pips out rubber)

GLOBE 889 OX (short pips out rubber)
Переглядів: 3629 Модель: Rubber_Globe_889
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика
The Globe 889 is very spinny for a short pimpled rubber. This is because the pimpled are wide and conical in shape, very soft and rough on top, with a soft sponge.

Short pimpled rubbers are ideal for fast hitting through spin (as incoming spin has much less effect on this rubber) and blocking. Because the 889-2 can generate good spin too, it can still be used for looping and chopping too. A very versatile rubber. The Globe 889 is very spinny for a short pimpled rubber. This is because the pimpled are wide, soft and rough, with a soft sponge.

Ratings (out of 10 as given by the manufacturer):

Speed: 9.5
Spin: 7
Control: 8

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