
GAMBLER Arylate Carbon

-26% GAMBLER Arylate Carbon
Переглядів: 4787 Модель: Blades_Gambler_Arylate_Carb
Наявність: Out Of Stock
1,080.00грн. 800.00грн.
Кількість: До кошика

Speed: 80
Control: 90
Flex: Medium
Weight: 78 grams+-5
Ply: 5 wood 2 Arylate/Carbon
Handle styles: Flared or Pro ST

Made for combination style attacking play. Unique blend of Limba and multiple different types of Cypress, with a core surrounded by interwoven Arylate Carbon composite.

Now on the market for nearly a year, this blade has proven itself as one of the most controllable attacking composite blades OF ANY BRAND. We have upgraded the control rating and lowered the speed rating slightly.

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