
Dr. NEUBAUER Super Block

-46% Dr. NEUBAUER  Super Block
Переглядів: 10146 Модель: SuperBlock
Наявність: Out Of Stock
1,480.00грн. 796.00грн.
Кількість: До кошика

Super Block: Maximum effectiveness for short blocking
Maximum spin reversal in all playing situations
Very good control
Deadly blocks and wobbling returns
Unpredictable returns wile pushing and lifting

This worldwide bestseller among long pimpled rubbers guarantees maximum spin reversal and wobbling returns. Its absolutely frictionless pimple surface is ideal for close to the table blocking and lifting. The ball can be placed short over the net. Moreover you can attack chopped balls and produce wobbling returns. You can also counter-attack with 1.0mm sponge underneath.

Super Block also provides excellent control and spin reversal for defensive play.

The lifetime has been extended by means of a revolutionary manufacturing technique.

It is recommended to choose the red version since it is more effective in terms of spin reversal and control. Moreover the best disturbing properties are achieved without any sponge underneath.

This is the exceptional long pimpled rubber of the multiple World and European Senior’s champion, Dr Herbert Neubauer.

Speed: 58
Effect: 85
Control: 75
Disturbing effect: 100

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