
Dr. NEUBAUER Goliath

Dr. NEUBAUER Goliath
Переглядів: 7011 Модель: Rubbers_DrNeubauer_Goliath
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика

GOLIATH: Maximum speed for offensive play

This new reversed rubber uses our new Tuning-Technology to offer the speed glue effect without the use of speed glue. This permits players to retain an extremely dynamic attacking game.

GOLIATH comes with a slightly harder sponge than DOMINATION TUNED and thus allows even more speed for all attacking shots. Topspins can be played very fast and with a lot of ball rotation.

Together with its tremendous speed, GOLIATH offers a good control for passive strokes, in particular blocking and returning of service.

Simply take the rubber out of its aluminium packaging and glue it once and for all onto the blade.

Category: reversed rubber
Colours: red + black
Sponge: 1.5 - 1.8 - 2.1mm
Speed: 108
Spin: 96
Control: 74

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