
Dr NEUBAUER Domination

Dr NEUBAUER Domination
Переглядів: 6604 Модель: Rubbers_DrNeubauer_Domin
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика

With this milestone in the development of reversed rubbers we have managed to include "speed glue" tension not only in the sponge, but also in the top sheet. The elasticity and tension thus created accelerate the ball while looping or hitting.

"Dr Neubauer Domination" with 1.8 and 2.1mm sponge is especially suited for players who do not wish to use speed glue. If, however, speed glue is used then exceptional spin and speed levels are achieved.

The surface of the rubber, being slightly tacky, produces a high amount of grip and therefore a good control for all offensive strokes. In combination with anti-loop or pimpled rubbers it is possible to create at the same time wobbly, disruptive balls on one side and very spinny shots on the other.

With 1.2 or 1.5mm "Dr Neubauer Domination" becomes an excellent weapon for modern defensive or allround players when chopping or blocking and yet wishing to disturb their opponents occasionally with very dynamic looping or hitting.

Dr Neubauer Domination: The latest technology for the ultimate offensive player and a “must” for a modern chopping or blocking game.

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