
Dr NEUBAUER Roulette

-46% Dr NEUBAUER Roulette
Переглядів: 4643 Модель: Rubbers_DrNeubauer_Roulette
Наявність: Out Of Stock
1,480.00грн. 796.00грн.
Кількість: До кошика
ROULETTE: The alternative for close-to-the table players with long pimples

Dr. Neubauer ROULETTE is a long pimpled rubber with extremely thin and slightly softer pimples. The surface has indentations yet it is totally frictionless. ROULETTE produces a very good disturbing effect while playing close to the table. Blocking on topspin can be performed with excellent control and very high spin reversal.

At the same time ROULETTE offers outstanding attacking possibilities for aggressive pushing and even counter-attacking and hitting. This rubber is slightly faster than BOOMERANG and thus even more effective for dynamic attacking shots with frictionless long pimples.

ROULETTE is a weapon for a deceptive allround/offensive game close to the table with long pimples.

Category: long pimples
Speed: 76
Effect: 84
Control: 80
Disturbing effect: 97

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