
Dr. NEUBAUER Gladiator

Dr. NEUBAUER Gladiator
Переглядів: 7991 Модель: Blade_DrNeubauer_Gladiator
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика

GLADIATOR: Maximum effectiveness with pimples

This blade has been has been developed for use with frictionless long pimples and with short pimples. It has a normal size and a special plywood composition without balsa. GLADIATOR offers a very good control and produces a maximum of spin reversal while blocking close to the table.

Above all it enables you to block the ball very short and low over the net. Even powerful topspin shots can be returned short very easily, the ball bouncing very low on the other side of the table. Also you can return fast services very easily with your frictionless long pimples in order to deceive your opponent’s third ball attack. GLADIATOR offers therefore an ideal symbiosis of frictionless long pimples and the blade.

At the same time the ball can be accelerated dynamically through counter-attacking, topspin and hitting, both with reversed rubbers and offensive pimples.

The blade also enhances the disruptive effect of short and half-long pimpled rubbers. GLADIATOR is a breakthrough for use with frictionless long pimples close to the table.

Category: Allround
Weight: appr. 79g
Plies: 7
Handle: straight,flared,anatomic
Speed: 81
Control: 90
Rigidity: 93

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