
Dr. NEUBAUER Contact Glue

Dr. NEUBAUER Contact Glue
Переглядів: 5274 Модель: Glue_DrNeubauer_ContactGlue
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика
CONTACT GLUE: The clean normal glue

This white-coloured glue does not contain any harmful substances and meets the new ITTF requirements. CONTACT GLUE does not produce any speed glue effect. It has solely been developed to stick any rubber on the blade without health risks. CONTACT GLUE is also very convenient for sticking rubbers onto the blade where BOOSTER has been applied previously.

Instructions: is used to stick the rubber firmly onto the blade. Simply put the white-coloured CONTACT GLUE (a small quantity is sufficient) evenly onto both the sponge and the blade with the little foam pads. Let it dry for approximately 15 minutes (depending on the temperature). The drying time can be reduced considerably with the use of a regular hair dryer. Then stick the rubber onto the blade. The rubber can be taken off the blade easily later on. Also CONTACT GLUE can be rubbed off the sponge without difficulty.

Content: 90ml

Delivered with a pin and small application sponges

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