
Dr. NEUBAUER Booster

Dr. NEUBAUER Booster
Переглядів: 5425 Модель: Glue_DrNeubauer_Booster
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика
This new speed glue generation provides excellent spin and speed, it is compatible with the ITTF measuring device ‘Enez’. BOOSTER is a fluid product that creates a strong speed glue effect which lasts several days with one, two or three layers on the sponge. BOOSTER is not adhesive and therefore requires the use of a clean normal glue such as our ‘Dr Neubauer CONTACT GLUE’ in order to stick the rubber onto the blade.

Instructions: First BOOSTER has to be applied onto the rubber. Simply pour some of the liquid on the sponge and apply it evenly on the whole surface with the little foam pads (to be stuck in the pin for a comfortable grip). A new layer of BOOSTER can be applied to the sponge as soon as the previous layer has dried up. A total of 3-4 layers can be applied. Once the last layer has dried up, a clean normal glue such as our CONTACT GLUE can be used to stick the rubber firmly onto the blade. Simply put a small quantity of the white-coloured CONTACT GLUE evenly onto both the sponge and the blade with the help of the little foam pads. Let it dry for approximately 15 minutes (depending on the temperature). The drying time can be reduced considerably with the use of a regular hair dryer. Then stick the rubber onto the blade.

For all further gluing procedures, simply take off the rubber from the blade and put a new layer of BOOSTER onto the sponge. Let it dry over night and then stick the rubber back onto the blade. In case the rubber was originally glued onto the blade with our CONTACT GLUE there is usually no need to use CONTACT GLUE again. By the way CONTACT GLUE can be rubbed off the sponge easily.

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