
DONIC CarboTec 20 Bat

-37% DONIC CarboTec 20 Bat
Переглядів: 6601 Модель: Bats_Donic_Carbotec_20
Наявність: Out Of Stock
2,280.00грн. 1,431.00грн.
Кількість: До кошика

The CarboTec table tennis bats are harder and more twist resistant than traditional table tennis bats, which are made of wood.

The CarboTec bats allows for a more dynamic game due to the increased resistance of the material. The bats are lighter, more durable and weather resistant.

Try this new innovation in table tennis and you will be convinced. And the disign is terrfifc!

Speed: 100
Spin: 80
Control: 90

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