
DAWEI 388D-1 Quatro Allround Table Tennis Long Pips

-41% DAWEI 388D-1 Quatro Allround Table Tennis Long Pips
Переглядів: 5057 Модель: Rubbers_Dawei_388D_1_Quatro
Наявність: Out Of Stock
560.00грн. 330.00грн.
Кількість: До кошика
Helps cushioning the attacking speed, and is suitable for defense by deception and drifting trajectories. When hitting the ball, it has a tendency to dip/drop downwards. Effective and suitable for defense by loop driving.

388D-1 Quattro enables you to produce a dynamic attacking game, putting pressure on your opponent with counter-attacking, lifting and smashing. This rubber produces a disruptive effect in particular while blocking and straight hitting since the ball is hit very flat and tends to stay low after the bounce.

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