
BUTTERFLY Balsa Carbo X5

BUTTERFLY Balsa Carbo X5
Переглядів: 6898 Модель: Blades_BTF_BalsaCarbo_X5
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика
The first Balsa-blade by Butterfly, the BalsaCarbo X5, combines the enormous touch for the ball of the Balsa inner veneer with the total dynamics of Carbon.

By it's low weight the BalsaCarbo X5 offers much control and makes a variable block play much easier. Above the table returns with much feeling are possible.

Due to it's two Carbon layers the BalsaCarbo X5 never lacks the necessary power to set up a good offensive play. Touchy spins from half-distance as well as powerful strokes close to the table without much effort are possible with this lightweight.

Made in Japan.

Playing style: OFF
Plies: 3+2
Weight: about 80 grams

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