
BUTTERFLY BalsaCarbo X3 All+

-10% BUTTERFLY BalsaCarbo X3 All+
Переглядів: 6138 Модель: Blades_BTF_BalsaCarbo_X3
Наявність: Out Of Stock
1,760.00грн. 1,584.01грн.
Кількість: До кошика
As consequence from the successful introduction of BalsaCarboX5 OFF, BUTTERFLY adds this new allround blade to its Balsa series.

BalsaCarbo X3 is the result of Buttefly development team research in order to offer the same advantages of a lightweight Balsa veneer in combination with stabilizing Carbon layers and Limba outer veneers also to an allround player: lightweight, great feeling, control and speed, in a version that is even more controlled and easy to play.

A good feeling for blocks and spinful, but also heavy topspins allow the player to take control in the game without losing control for ball placement. Plies: 3+2
Weight: 80 grams
Speed: 73
Control: 81

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