
Avalox/AVX Sterco

Avalox/AVX Sterco
Переглядів: 5330 Модель: Rubbers_Avalox_Sterco
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика

This unique and high quality rubber combines the latest German and Japanese (patented) technology. It is a very powerful rubber! The topsheet is non-tacky but very grippy, and the sponge is a soft 35deg, offering great dwell time and huge spin. The pip structure underneath the topsheet combined with the special soft sponge allows it to generate much more power. This rubber has high tension properties inbuilt, making it suitable alternative to a speed glue rubber, as the speed glue ban comes into effect in 2008.

Manufacturer Ratings:
Speed: A++
Spin: A++
Sponge: 2.2mm 35deg

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