
AVALOX Blue Thunder 555

AVALOX Blue Thunder 555
Переглядів: 5788 Модель: Blades_Avalox_BT555
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика

In keeping with the legacy it inherited from the original line Avalox 500 line, the Avalox 555 features desirable characteristics, such as great touch and large sweet spot, while providing more power at high impact speeds.

The "trampoline-effect" has been improved so that players used to the earlier blades can enjoy the same soft- and medium touch play as before, but can generate more speed, power and spin due to longer dwell times. All Avalox Blue Thunder blades come pre-coated to avoid wood fiber loss when reglueing.

The blade is made in Sweden.

The Chinese National Team first took delivery of these blades in December of 1997 and gradually most of its players are switching to Blue Thunder. Now these blades are available to a few distributors around the world as well.

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