

Переглядів: 6921 Модель: Blades_Avalox_P700
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика

P700 series blades are the same blades used by Kong Ling Hui,Wang Nan & others in the previous World Championship. Blade Construction: 7- Ply Wood

Type: Offensive
Weight: + 85g
Speed: 10.0
Control: 8.0

This is the classic Avalox blade - the one captured in the famous picture when Wang Tao threw his racket in the air after winning the team World Championship in Tianjin 1995. It is a very fast, no compromise 7-ply blade. Before his contract with STIGA, World Champion Liu Guoliang played with the penhold version of this blade for years.

Made in Sweden.

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