
AVALOX Blue Thunder 550

AVALOX Blue Thunder 550
Переглядів: 5564 Модель: Blades_Avalox_BT550
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика

Avalox's prototypical looper's 5-ply blade: the Blue Thunder 550. It is an extremely light blade designed to enhance control over variation of power and spin. All Avalox Blue Thunder blades come pre-coated to avoid wood fiber loss when reglueing.

This is an excellent looping blade used by many top players in the world. It has a fairly soft feel but is lively, suitable to be used with a wide variety of rubbers.

Blue Thunder 550 is the perfect choice for technical players that often vary spin and power in their play.

The blade is made in Sweden.

Blade Construction: 5- Ply Wood
Type: Offensive
Speed: 8.0
Control: 9.5
Weight: + 80g

For many, many players, including most of the world's best, the ideal blade is one that doesn't have a mind of its own ... If our Don Iguana Lab were to recommend a control blade that can honk when called upon from the many we've tested in the last six months, it would be hard not to recommend the Avalox 550... The 550 mates well with a wide variety of rubbers, being soft enough to allow good spin with medium sponge and fast enough to still feel lively with soft sponge... Alex Chien's Ann Arbor lab crew reviewed a flock of blades for our recent Don Iguana Fast Blade/Soft Sponge test and his bunch voted the Avalox 550 as their "best in test".

Dave Williams

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