
Air UPUPUPUP U5 allround play

Air UPUPUPUP U5 allround play
Переглядів: 5147 Модель: Rubbers_Air_UP_U5
Наявність: Out Of Stock
Кількість: До кошика

UPUPUPUP is very unusual because of its unique formulation. The top of the pips are rough, but faster than normal long pips. Against light spin balls it can significantly produce its own spin like regular inverted or short pips but against heavy spin its able to reverse the spin and give the traditional long pips effect. The control is excellent for a long pips rubber, the ball will almost never pop up against loops or chops. The tackinesss of the pips provides excellent control at the expense of spin reversal. Even with this grip all the traditional long pips shots can be done easily.

These effects are from “the Bios Green” and “negatron” technologies. “the Bios Green” technology used on AIR sponges which offer a soft feel, to give rubber Unlimited Power, Unlimited Bounce, and Unlimited Rebound. “negatron” technology is the latest for non-elastic requirements. Most players need the sponge like this. The “negatron” technology offers the most control and incredible feeling.

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