
AIR Illumina Delta 37 Table Tennis Rubber

AIR Illumina Delta 37 Table Tennis Rubber
Переглядів: 6932 Модель: Rubbers_Air_Illumina_Delta_37
Наявність: Out Of Stock

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Кількість: До кошика

Illumina is the new generation of rubbers that imitate the feel of Speed glued. These rubbers Manufactured in Germany & Assembled in China, are a New Breed not seen before.

Illumina, the latest “Nanos” technology rubber created by AIR. We researched the latest “Nanos” technology on the basis of the SCIROCCO rubber. When we tested the SCIROCCO rubber, we found the spin was good and the speed is good. Then we were thinking of how we can make the new rubber the best combination of spin and speed. Through lengthy researching and testing, we found a new technology, we called it “Nanos”. We made it based on the SCIROCCO to add the new material to make the sponge more bouncy, and the rubber more spinny.

When you play with Illumina, you will found it's more comfortable, more feeling. And even the softest 33 degree sponge will give you the speed you need. We suggest you to use a medium or soft blade with Illumina to get the best playing effect. Now that it's the water glue period, the Illumina is the best choice for water glue, without any need for speed glue.

The Illumina is the performance rubber. Good Spin. Good Speed. Good Grip.

Тип накладки reverse rubbers
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